That's life friends!
Setembro asoma a patiña por debaixo da porta. Vaise o verán. Comeza un novo ciclo. V, non es ti a única que se guía polo curso escolar. Tantos anos de escola marcaron os nosos biorritmos vitais...
Chegan as coleccións ós kioskos e semella que é o momento ideal para decidir que facer ca nosa vida, para darlle un novo rumbo, para tentar esclarecer cal é o noso camiño. Hai uns días que ó meu carón todos teñen a mesma teima (Sometimes I feel so confuse /Sometimes I feel so lost / What is my purpose in life?). As cabeciñas dan voltas, os medos e desexos asaltan sen avisar e as ideas xiran dun lado ó outro. O traballo gostoso que termina, o amor desexado que non chega, aquel que se esfumou de súpeto, a ansia por marchar, a de voltar,... Seica andamos todos unha miqueta perduts. Creo que máis de un de nós estariamos dispostos a financiar o teu proxecto dese vehículo espacio-temporal T...
Polo que a min respecta teño bastantes claras as frontes de batalla dos próximos meses, máis ou menos ata o Nadal e logo xa se irá vendo. Ata daquela seguirei en Bcn aínda que comezan a apretar de novo as ganiñas de mudar de sitio...
Frank Sinatra - That's Life!
That's life (that's life), that's what all the people say
You're ridin' high in April, shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
I said that's life (that's life), and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'cause this fine old world, it keeps spinnin' around.
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing
Each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race
That's life (that's life), I tell you I can't deny it
I thought of quitting, baby, but my heart just ain't gonna buy it
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly
I've been a puppet,...
That's life (that's life), that's life and I can't deny it
Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it
But if there's nothin' shakin' come this here July
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball a-and die
My, my!